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  • When do we need to confirm food truck booking?
    Short answer: as early as possible At least 2 weeks in advance is appreciated, but be aware that our dates can go fast. We are often booking dates a month ahead. Your date will be locked in when payment is received. We can hold your date with a 50%, non-refundable deposit.
  • Is there a minimum number of orders?
    Short answer: yes 30-item minimum for pick-up catering order 40-item minimum for on-site food truck service
  • When do we need to finalize the number of orders and make payment?
    Short answer: two weeks in advance Full payment is due 2 weeks in advance of requested date. Confirming the final order count at least 2 weeks in advance would be great. However, if you need to increase your number of meals, no problem. We ask that you let us know no less than 72 hours in advance so we can adjust our prep to meet your needs. 50% of the total invoiced is non-refundable if you cancel within 2 weeks of the event. Reducing the number of meals requested within 2 weeks of the event does not reduce the total invoiced. No refund within 36 hours of event.
  • How many hours will we have the food truck?
    Short answer: 3 - 4 hrs. We would need at least 30 minutes setup/breakdown time before and after desired service time. We generally recommend a 3-hour food service window (so, 4 hours on-site) to spread out the orders and allow time for your guests to enjoy your event instead of worrying that they will miss the truck. Of course, we can work with what time constraints you may have that are specific to your event. Please note, there is a $25 volume surcharge, in addition to the standard $25 service fee, when the plan is to serve more than 40 meals per hour.
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